We’ve all been feeling it, right? This New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries is driving everyone a bit wild. Technology has been slowing or failing all together, and likely, emotions have been flaring. Overall, there has been much instability leading up to this momentous cosmic happening. This is your chance to learn from and work with stressful situations. It's time to become a master of what you know best–you! Finding peak confidence from past experiences is at hand. Can you do this while considering others and their experiences? Is assertiveness possible as you also embody compassion? What will happen along the way?

The effects of the solar eclipse will be felt for up to 6 months after the event has occurred. So let’s look at this a bit logically. What happens during an eclipse? The sun, our source of light and life, will appear to go dark as the moon blocks our view of it during the mid afternoon day. It might not be as dark as night, but depending on where you are when it happens, it could be somewhat alarming. In ancient times, eclipses simply happened and fear dominated the entirety of the event.

“The earliest example of this connection between eclipses and fear, dread and superstition goes back to clay cuneiform tablets from 2300 and 1800 B.C. that have been found in Mesopotamia. The tablets document the same omen across the Mediterranean: If there was a solar eclipse, the king would die. For societies dominated by kings, it seemed like the worst possible outcome…”

Not only did this fear revolve around what was happening on earth and in cultures and societies, but it had a lot to do with just what was happening up above, but in a less tangible and more spiritual way.

“Humans couldn’t touch what’s in the sky, so they believed it must be where the gods are. When you have a total solar eclipse, it looks like the death of a god, and to them, that couldn’t be a good thing.”

Over time, however, eclipses came to be regarded differently as more and more of them were experienced and then documented. There was something to study and realizations to gain along with methods of prediction for similar future events to come.

“A growing understanding of eclipses also promoted the concept of predicting them. The Greeks were predicting eclipses with reasonable confidence 2,000 years ago, and that knowledge spread to Eurasia. The Chinese developed a separate method to predict eclipses.”

This idea of being fearful of what is not understood crosses space and time. It continues on to this day. What is not at first known is doubted. Survival mode tells us to not always trust what we don’t know. This is a part of our evolution. As we do research and learn, realizations can occur. We can learn how to trust. It’s quite the adventure to not know things and then get to know them, perhaps not fully but only somewhat. Is this a very very brief overview of life? It might take many years to “know” something, it could take minutes, depending on what it is you are studying. “Not knowing” will keep happening over and over again in our lives, taking many shapes and forms. It’s important to remember that “knowing” is possible and does happen, but it is not always guaranteed. “Not knowing” is guaranteed for us all.

This understanding we are seeking right now is directed back at each of us. We are attempting to know who we are at the core of our beings, each doing our own work. We build confidence in mastering thoughts and emotions as a way to master the self and see the Self. Compassion comes into play as differences arise. You do it at your pace, and others will follow their own rhythm. We all become confident together, but in our own ways. You get to fill in the details as you continue to expand this human life. Others fill in their own details.

The message we are overwhelmingly receiving right now is to not be afraid, to stay true, and to remain curious. What is stressful is something that needs to be worked out in one way or another. And you can do this, you have the abilities required and the power within. The place where you feel uncertain is also the place where you can feel certain. It comes from you! There is only one you and there is only one me, though it feels like there are many because our moods change frequently. Ultimately you get to decide moment-to-moment how your life unfolds.

References: Cafe Astrology &


