Healthy and effective relating are key topics with this Full Worm Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. How can you make interactions with others nourishing and sustaining? How can these relationships offer a feeling of wholeness for both sides? How can you slow down the process to see more details? There is a chance for discontentment to arise when it comes to being with others, but be with those feelings and notice where they originate. From there, can you strike a balance between opposites, learn something, and then move on? This process is our focus right now if we need it and notice it coming up in our lives.

There will be conflicts between that which is fiery, direct, and confrontational and all that is logical, tactful, and seeking balance. Pay attention to all areas of your life for this, but specifically notice this between yourself and others, knowing you might be on both sides of the pendulum depending on the situation. Even if you don’t align with the placements of the cosmos affecting us here on earth at all given times, you have no doubt experienced this version of conflict at some point in your life. There is an urge to compromise while maintaining personal courageousness and self-assertiveness. Where does the balance lie?

Ultimately we are seeing a clash between “me” and “you” as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place overhead. The full moon will make us all a little loony and emotions will burst forth into consciousness. Expression is a necessary part of the flow of feeling. However, you can decide the type and level of expression. You don’t have to put on a show if you don’t want to. You can sit with your feelings and take your time. Conflicts and realignments have no structured timeline, you decide how they come through for your and the pace that you go. Others will decide this for themselves, too. No one can decide for you and you cannot decide for others. It’s a truce, a middle ground, and an uplifting place for all.

References: Cafe Astrology


