There is much grasping for, and at the same time, releasing of energy coming at us with this Full Pink Moon in Scorpio. As we all continue to feel Mercury retrograde and solar eclipse effects with heightened awareness, miscommunication, general awe, technology fails, embracing of available resources, and more, we now move into a time of tangibility vs. intangibility. Perhaps, at the beginning of the month you  were trying to hold onto what you thought was yours for the taking, only to realize that nothing is guaranteed. Let’s explore this.

You are a mystical and magical being with more power than you realize most of the time. Look at how you direct that power that you wield. Instead of letting it go awry and spread sporadically around you and out into the world, can you be more deliberate? This intentionality makes the things that come back to you more intentional, too. There is a constant give and receive, push and pull, mine and yours current. A transfer of energy is happening in all moments, and therefore transformations are many. 

So, take a look at your life. What belongs to you? What doesn’t? Keep scaling further and further back. Take away the details. Does anything at all really exist as your possession

At the heart of this full moon can you sincerely look around yourself and let go of the idea that you hold onto anything all? There is an opening of veils, if you’re open to it, to see the truth. Happiness can come through in the tangible, but can you use what you have as tools and realize that tools need to change because they break, someone else might need what you have, and you will always be discovering new ones that you didn’t know existed. 

When you allow yourself to do this, to let go and to also receive, to embrace the current, you welcome the mystery of what it is to be human, and excitement comes alive once again. Life becomes a puzzle or a game–something to figure out. This perspective shift can offer your hope when you most need it. 

All of sudden there is no conflict between what is and what isn’t because it’s both! That’s the secret sometimes, is letting go of opposites as the only options. What if there is a place where you don’t choose, but you have everything all at once already? And instead of nothing being guaranteed, it is all certain. Can you move in this way even when you believed something else from the start? Open up to not being certain, the opposite, and find certainty in its place. Right in front of you now is this gradual shift, a gentle revelation, and the change you needed to make a change in the first place.

References: Cafe Astrology


True Happiness
