Let new experiences be your ideal during this New Moon in Pisces. There is a depth that wants to come alive, but you have to let go of perfectionism. Don’t we all, though? When you try something for the first time, it is rare that you are instantly “good” at it, and for those that are, it’s either a bit of a fluke, or there are other factors and forces at play. Let the norm be that you aren’t going to be a master of something you’ve never done before. Be open to learning and take note of how that expands who you are and how you think about yourself.

There are important changes coming through at this time, whether you feel “ready” or not. Changes push you closer and closer to following your path. Things that happened in the past that put you where you are today happened for that very reason. Feel a bit stubborn about your goals right now. Let nothing veer you off of your path. Determination is felt energetically. It’s a meditation of sorts as your focus becomes single-pointed. Whether it’s a project you’re beginning, or a practice of turning inward, let your mood, sense, and intuition reflect what you are working towards. Let others be witnesses to this in you. Set an example.

As you begin these new projects, vision, beyond seeing and sight with the eyes, is needed. In order to “see clearly,” you might have to put aside some time for peace and rejuvenation. This isn’t always a solitary practice. So again, let others bear witness, and just for the fun of it, imagine what it would be like to bring a dream to life with another as a way to grow and learn.

Moving forward assures us that as we take responsibility for ourselves and our lives. Inspiration and faith in progress are gathered as byproducts. What does all of this do for you? What do you think it does for others? How can you work towards a common feeling with someone else even if your paths are quite different? 

References: Cafe Astrology


