This Full Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius wants us to be aware that we already know. We know who we are, why we’re here, what we’re doing, when we should do it, and how it will have an impact. It’s just that there’s a lot keeping us busy these days, so it can be difficult to give full attention to what needs attending.

Some steps to take right now to align with your dharma or your life path might include the following:

  1. Close your eyes, breathe, and connect to a deep desire.

  2. Clear away distractions that aren’t propelling you towards this desire.

  3. Close your eyes again and visualize your desire once again.

  4. Can you see a way to progress towards what it is you want?

This full moon references the many species of threatened/endangered sturgeon fish of North America. While this type of fish is being protected and nurtured as time goes on, what is it that you are protecting and nurturing within and about yourself? Is it related to relationships and bonding, how you acquire money, or a project/goal you want to achieve? The steps you take to carry out an endeavor and the tools you prefer are unique to you, just like in fishing and also in protecting. As you figure out your longings, and you take the necessary steps to see what it is you want in the first place, you are already moving towards progression.

This is a time for individuality and teamwork in future planning. This might seem like a contradiction, but hear it out because there is possibility. Bring your incomparable traits to all group situations and notice how it makes you feel. What is it like to be seen in this way? What does it do for the team? How does it propel the goal for everyone?

As you embrace what might seem outlandish and strange about yourself, you’ll find answers. There is a swiftness and frictionless movement in doing your work on your life path. The thing is, it doesn’t feel like work, and that’s when you know you’re on the right path. How amazing it is when we all show up truly as ourselves in doing something together for the betterment of the whole. Isn’t that what this life is all about?

You may have read this or heard this before, but full moons in general illuminate what is already present. They shine a light on what was once dark and reveal what seemed hidden. As you take the steps noted at the beginning, closing your eyes, breathing, etc., you’ll be surprised to discover that you don’t have to think too hard about what it is that you desire. You already know. Now is the time to make predictions for yourself. See the life you want to live and what might come to be in the act of achieving. You are the ultimate seer of your life. There are no magic crystal balls, but there are ways to witness the future right now. The thing is, YOU are the key. As you long for your life to be a certain way, you start to build your life in that way. Doesn’t that just make sense? Your energy points you in the right direction and the right direction draws your energy in that way, too.


