This New Moon in Leo wants you to start the conversation. Say your wildest dream out loud, dare to ask the hard questions, and be prepared to act on what it is you are seeking! Now is the time to set intentions, as all new moons are, but these ones should be extra fierce as Leo is encouraging. In all its sunshine and glory, summer shows us how to linger a bit and move slowly. There’s a combination here of knowing what you want, while being mindful in how to get there, that creates a deep intensity for your dreams to come to life.

Be the one noticing details and asking questions. Let your imagination come alive with what could be. Think back to when you were a kid. You were full of questions, able to bounce back in any situation, and willing to put insecurities aside for the sake of simply wanting to know something or do something even if failure happened or was a possibility. You didn’t care, remember? Can you still be like that? You kept trying and you continued to put yourself out there. And sometimes that meant hanging back from the action and simply observing, so that planning for what was going to happen next could take place. You didn’t know you were doing all this when you were little, did you?

As we come to the middle of August, there’s this feeling like an ending is occurring, but again, it’s only the middle of the month and we have a third of the summer left here in the northern hemisphere! Why are we rushing through? A nervous energy of preparation for the fall takes hold as soon as July ends and August starts. It’s apparent on all the socials and was there long before we shared our lives in this way. With schools starting back and people returning to work from “summer vacation,” it’s understandable that there’s a need for a refresh after the heat of summer. However, it seems like when we have time to move slowly, we yearn to fill it up and move at a faster pace. Or that when the seasons are still upon us, we start thinking about the next one. Here’s your reminder that it’s not the end of summer yet! There is a chance in this present moment to honor the present moment. Instead of thinking, “I need to prep for fall,” shift to, “I will savor what’s happening right now.” You have time to get ready. Lay down your anxiousness and let the high sun in the sky bathe you in its light. You have the ability to prepare for what’s next without doing so much thinking about it. Trust in that. Be here now instead of thinking about here and now, and especially instead of thinking about what hasn’t even happened yet!

As we embrace the moment, we embrace ourselves. A healthy sense of pride will develop as you acknowledge that you can be where you are and that you don’t have to run from it. Can you notice all the sparkling details? What will you glean even after it looks like everything has been harvested? Why did you put this illusion in place, like there was nothing left but scraps? What can you make use of, and how will you appreciate it? Maybe it’s all about changing your definition of scraps?

We need this and so does the earth. Alter your vision to see what’s right in front of you. There’s unlimited treasure available in doing this. Everyone can have some. There is enough. Now, take a look at your wildest dreams once again, what do you see? How’s your vision as you peer out from the place where you are sitting, standing, or even lying down? All of a sudden, you don’t have to reach for anything outside of you, you simply start to draw towards you what it is you seek. That is the action. Breathe out and breathe back in, breathe out, breathe in. Keep going. Nothing extra is needed.


