This Full Wolf Moon in Leo is a time to give yourself a bit of a boost. Let yourself shine, talk yourself up. Perhaps at the root of building confidence is pleasure and romance. Think about it, when you make interactions sweet and special, don’t you just feel different? Especially when another person is involved. Though, it doesn’t have to be so limited. Pleasure and romance are not only for the time we spend with our significant others and the like, but truly with everyone and everything surrounding us and also within. This is where yoga takes root, we just have to pay attention to it.

Can all moments in your life be some form of romance? Sadhguru, a world renowned mystic, talks about this:

“Unfortunately, people have brought romance down to only a young male and female. Why just the neighborhood girl? The neighborhood girl has become magnified in your eyes because your intelligence has been hijacked by your hormones. If it wasn’t, the whole universe and every piece of creation is worth involvement, isn't it? That’s what is romance. It is a very deep involvement.”

What does it mean for you to have a very deep involvement with your life? Does this detract from the focus within? Instead, perhaps as you are fully with “the other,” you discover how to fully be with yourself?

To be in a place of deep involvement, we must recognize the importance of community. This can start by expanding your awareness to include care and protection towards all that is around you, and not just for the living things. Can you care for everything that is inanimate, too? A reminder from yoga tells us that how we do one thing is how we do all things.

Try this tomorrow: as soon as you wake up in the morning, give a cheery “hello” or other greeting to your bed, the nightstand, and the space around you. Move your body slowly as you wake up. Be caring and considerate as you move along in your space to start your day. As you stroll by all your things, take in the light and dark in the rooms you pass through. Pause and say “hello” to even more of what surrounds you. You might feel silly, but it’s okay to feel silly! Now, can you take this practice to all areas of your life?

Every interaction is an opportunity for deep involvement. Romance can be something you exude moment to moment and offer to all that is within range, animate and inanimate. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion to feel excitement, mystery, and a genuine connection, it can be every day! As you develop and embody full interest in all that you are a part of, you’ll see parts of yourself coming together; there will be a clearer image of Self. Your confidence and courage can only go up from here. Though, humility will also come through. How does it feel to express yourself from this place? What’s shifting within you? Can you see yourself more clearly?

References: Cafe Astrology


